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क्या आप कम्प्युटर कोर्स करना चाहते है? यदि हा तो आज ही आइमास कम्प्युटर एडुकेशन, बक्सर में संपर्क करें। यहा पर DCA, ADFA, ADCA, HDIT के साथ साथ Animation, Digital Marketing, App Development एवं Web Designing आदि कम्प्युटर करियर कोरसेज में नामांकन कराये। नामांकन के लिए शीघ्र संपर्क करे। पता याद रखे : आइमास बक्सर सेंटर, 1st & 2nd Floor, महावीर मंदिर के सामने, महावीर चबुतरा, तुरहा टोली, मेन रोड, बक्सर। Mo. No.: 7050382914, 9334518306

About TARANG !

Aim of ‘TARANG’ (A Stream of Talent) is to bring a social development provide Computer Literacy and work for various social activity which bring a complete development in the societies and peoples. ‘TARANG’ works in the field of Computer Training, Beauty Parlors and Preparation of Student for Competitive Examinations, Schooling and Planning for more activities in future. ‘TARANG’ is Registered by Govt. of India with Reg. No. 09/2017, which is Registered under Indian Trust ACT, 1882. ‘TARANG’ participates in all type of Social activities Sponsored by the Govt. of India and as ‘TARANG’ is registered by the Govt. The Govt. of India also Supports all the activities done by ‘TARANG’.

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