Call Us +91 933 4518 306 , 705 0382 914

Advantage of TARANG

⇒ No. 1 Brand in Bihar, UP

⇒ Proven Success story in Computer Education since 9 Years.

⇒ Provide Modern Digital Classes like ILT and CBT

⇒ Use of innovative Techniques.

⇒ Stress free Environment and AC Campus

⇒ 100 % Management focus on all running batches and Centres.

⇒ Special Treatment provided to weak student.

⇒ All types of Study material like Softcopy, Hardcopy, CD and Notebook provided by our Centre.

⇒ Monthly Skill Development Programme Organize on 2nd Saturday of every month.

⇒ Most experienced and highly Qualified team members.

⇒ Professional Skills, Personality Development classes Inteview Training with life time Support provide by our centre.